United Women of Faith

The organized unit of
shall be a community of women
whose purpose is to know God
and to experience freedom
as whole persons through Jesus Christ;
to develop a creative,
supportive fellowship;
and to expand concepts of mission
through participation
in the global ministries of the church.

Central Bay District
United Women in Faith
Leadership Team

Co-President........Doris Simons - Saginaw

Co-President.......Sandra DeWaele - Auburn

Vice President....Lisa Wightman - Caro...

Secretary.........Jeanne Shelander -Clare

Treasurer.........Sandra Horen - Auburn

Mission Coordinators

Co-Spiritual Growth.... Laurel Beutler - Weidman
Co-Spiritual Growth....Marsha Prince - Weidman
Education and Interpretation....OPEN
Social Action.... Alice (Sharron) Such - Sanford
Membership Nurture and Outreach...Amy Hovey - Coleman

Secretary of Program Resources....Carolyn Harfman - Midland

Communications Coordinator (appt)....Judy Gerken - Saginaw

Committee on Nominations


Past President....Caroline Diaz

Registrar....Rene Johnson - Midland: First

Conference Officers and Appointed Persons.
Ruth Sutton - Secretary of Program Resources
Evelyn Delaney - Nominations,
Linda Darrow - Standing Rules,
Diana Miller - Webmaster

District Superintendent....Rev. John Kasper
Central Bay District Webpage
Bishop....David Alan Bard
Michigan Conference United Methodist Church

2025 District Dates - work in progress

January ...Due:
January 7 (Saturday) ...10:00 am Leadership Team Meeting - ZOOM
February 10 (Saturday)....Spiritual Enrichment Brunch - Essexville St. Luke's UMC
March 23 (Saturday)..UMW Day of Giving - Give to the Legacy Fund
April 3 (Saturday)....10 am Leadership Team Meeting, Sanford UMC
April 26-27 (Friday-Saturday)....Spiritual Growth Retreat at The Springs Camp, Gladwin
May 30 - June 2 (Thursday - Saturday) Michigan Annual Conference, Acme
June 8 (Saturday)....10:00 am Leadership Team Meeting -Sanford UMC
June 15 (Saturday)...."Central Bay Women in Action" Article Deadline
July 1 (Saturday)...Due:
July 18 - 20 (Thursday - Saturday) - Mission u - Mt. Pleasant First UMC
.......Study -
September 7 (Saturday)....Leadership Team Meeting -9:30 am - Sanford UMC
October 4 (Friday) Team Meeting at Coleman UMC to prepare for next day
October 5 (Saturday)....District Annual Celebration - Coleman UMC
October 25 (Friday)...Michigan Conference Annual Leader Training - Essexville St. Luke's UMC, Essexville, MI
October 26 (Saturday)....Conference Annual Celebration - Essexville St. Luke's UMC, Essexville, MI
November 1 (Friday)...Due: List of Elected or Nominated Unit Officers (Secretary)
November 9 (Saturday)....Leadership Team Meeting/Program Planning - Sanford UMC - 10 am....
Team Annual Reports Due
November 15 (Friday)Newsletter Deadline
November 15 (Friday)...Due:

This page was last updated 3 December 2024.
Michigan Conference United Women in Faith Home Page
The content of these pages is the responsibility of the Michigan Conference United Women in Faith.
Please send feedback to the Webmaster. The webmaster will pass it on to the District.