Members of the Conference Committee on Nominations,
members of the Committee on Racial Justice,
and other related positions shall be welcome to attend
Conference Leadership Team meetings with voice but without vote.
Program (as needed)
Waltha Gaye Leavitt (Chair), Julia Paradine-Rice, Ethel Gill, Mary Danforth,
Ruth Sutton,Sally Messner, Jocelyn Davis,
Michele Weston, Cindy Thiele, Ruth Jones, Julia Deemer
Linda Burton-Collier (District President), (Annual Celebration Registrar)
Finance(at least semi-annually)
Mary Danforth (Chair), Julia Paradine-Rice, Waltha Gaye Leavitt,
Ethel Gill, Ruth Sutton, Sally Messner,
Jocelyn Davis, Michele Weston, Cindy Thiele, Ruth Jones,
Julia Deemer, and District Treasurers
Membership Nurture and Outreach (at least semi-annually)
Cindy Thiele (Chair), Julia Paradine-Rice, Ethel Gill,
Sally Messner, Michele Weston, Julia Deemer
District Coordinators of Membership Nurture and Outreach
Committee on Nominations
Chairperson - Julia Deemer
Patti Steinbuerg, Carol Gorham, Evelyn Delaney, Linda Schramm
Shirley Chappell, Dorie Litchfield, Joyce Plumhoff, Jimmie Jones
Goals (annually)
Waltha Gaye Leavitt(Chair), Jocelyn Davis, Michele Weston,
Cindy Thiele, Ruth Jones, Julia Paradine-Rice
Standing Rules (at least annually)
Linda Darrow (Chair), Julia Paradine-Rice,
Waltha Gaye Leavitt, Ethel Gill, Mary Danforth
Charter for Racial Justice (at least twice annually)
Julia Paradine-Rice (Chair), Jocelyn Davis, Julia Deemer, Ethel Gill,
Patti Steinberg, Taylorie Bailey, Lynda Crandall, Judy Chasney,
Joyce Simons, Susan Wirgau Ex-Officio: Nichea VerVeer Guy.
Committee on Communications (at least annually)
Sally Messner (Chair), Julia Paradine-Rice, Waltha Gaye Leavitt,
Ethel Gill, Mary Danforth, Amber Hassler, Diana Miller
Committee on Directory and Reports(as needed)
Sally Messner (Chair), Julia Paradine-Rice, Waltha Gaye Leavitt,
Ethel Gill, Mary Danforth, Linda Darrow
The VOICE Conference News (at least annually)
Sally Messner (Chair), Waltha Gaye Leavitt,
Mary Danforth, Ruth Sutton, Julia Paradine-Rice,
and District Secretaries of Program Resources and Communication Coordinators
Committee on Mission u
Nichea VerVeer Guy(CDean),
Mary Whitman (Dean Mission u of the North), Micki Phelps(Assistant Dean),
Linda Schramm, Linda Burton Collier (Past Deans),
Mary Danforth (Treasurer) and Mary McCully (Treasurer/Registrar, Member-at-large)
(H.O.M.E.), Carol Gorham (Business Manager),
- all Members-at-large.
Elected officers who serve on the committee by virtue of their offices:
Julia Paradine-Rice, Waltha Gaye Leavitt, Jocelyn Davis,
Michele Weston, Cindy Thiele, Ruth Jones,
Sally Messner, Ruth Sutton
The Legacy Committee
Linda Schramm (Chair), Linda Darrow, Diana Miller, Jackie Euper, Ruby Anderson
The conference president is an ex officio member of all committees with the exception of the committee on nominations.
This page was updated 17 January 2021.