Our Giving--Because of Others' Needs and Out of Our Needs

How do we give?
There are no dues to pay as a United Methodist Woman.
There is no collection plate that is passed at every meeting.
But we give anyway.
We give not only because others have needs,
but we give because we have needs.

1. We have the need to sacrifice and to promise. Therefore, we make a Pledge to Mission each year.

2. We have the need for recognition. We need to recognize those who have made a difference in our lives and in the lives of others. Therefore, we have a Special Mission Recognition, honoring someone with a certificate and a small gold oval pin with a cross.

3. We have the need to celebrate special events in the lives of our loved ones. Therefore, we have a Gift to Missions, honoring someone with a special day card that represents a donation to mission.

4. We have the need to remember. Therefore, we have a Gift in Memory, honoring the life and service of a loved one who has died, making possible additional mission work.

5. We have the need to be thankful. Therefore, we have a World Thank Offering to celebrate God's provision and blessings in our lives.

Written by Alice Houser----Marion District UMC
Western North Carolina Conference.

For more information about how we give, and how you can give, contact:

your local or district UMW treasurer or
the Michigan Conference UMW treasurer, Mary Danforth.
The UMW Web Page - Mission Giving Online

This page was updated 21 June 2020.

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