1. We have the need to sacrifice and to promise. Therefore, we make a Pledge to Mission each year.
2. We have the need for recognition. We need to recognize those who have made a difference in our lives and in the lives of others. Therefore, we have a
Special Mission Recognition, honoring someone with a certificate and a small gold oval pin with a cross.
3. We have the need to celebrate special events in the lives of our loved ones. Therefore, we have a Gift to Missions, honoring someone with a special day
card that represents a donation to mission.
4. We have the need to remember. Therefore, we have a Gift in Memory, honoring the life and service of a loved one who has died, making possible
additional mission work.
5. We have the need to be thankful. Therefore, we have a World Thank Offering to celebrate God's provision and blessings in our lives.
Written by Alice Houser----Marion District UMC
Western North Carolina Conference.
For more information about how we give, and how you can give, contact:
This page was updated 21 June 2020.
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